Friday, April 25, 2008


So my friend Aubree Bushman has inspired me. She has a great 'LOVE' quote on her blog and she has hit the nail on the head with pride and the terrible things it does to people and their relationships.
I have discovered from a very wise person that it is actually possible to be confident and humble at the same time. I told Jordan that this is something I hope and pray Van has about him. I wish for him a confident humility. Does that make sense? I think that being confident enough to stand up for your self and speak your opinion and in the same breath be willing to allow others to do the same and value their opinion is so important, I don't think you can go wrong. I also think that this makes it possible to forgive and move on easily. It is my goal!


Kelly said...

I love that quote, i totally wrote it down. So me and Bryce had so much fun at the baseball game last week thanks for coming, lets do it again! Van is so cute, he is such a stud, i love those pics of him.