Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holy Moly, 10 Months Old!

Where has the time gone?


Tinaya said...

Jamie, Van is so adorable!!! It really is amazing how fast the time goes by.

Kate said...

HE HAS TEETH!! I have been gone for way too long!!

amanda said...

he is so cute!

Heidi and Wes said...

OMG Jamie! He is so big. Mine are five months, I just can't believe how fast time goes when you have kids.

Herd of Sheps said...

Oh my heck Jamie, he is so rotten cute. I also love all of the pics of you and Jordan with him, you can tell he is the highlight of your lives. What a fun time! You have a darling family, I am so happy for you. Give me a call sometime would you?? It's been a while. Happy Happy Holidays~

John, Summer, and Makenna Lynn Larsen said...

He is so stinken cute, I love him.

Aubs said...

Adorable, adorable, adorable!!! Also, your house looks great! I'm super jealous of your decorating capabilities.